Policies for CTIAR-25 Authors





Policies for CTIAR-25 Authors

CTIAR is excited to welcome everyone to Manitoba in April for the upcoming conference. To ensure a smooth experience, we ask that you carefully review the author presentation policies outlined below. At the time of your camera-ready submission, authors of accepted papers will be required to acknowledge these policies and confirm their compliance.

At least one author must attend the conference to present the paper in person, which requires registering at the in-person rate. All presentations must be conducted in person, as no remote presentation options will be available.

When submitting your camera-ready paper, you will be required to acknowledge the following statement:

“I commit to ensuring that one of the authors will present the paper in-person at CTIAR-25. If unforeseen circumstances prevent us from doing so, I will notify CTIAR immediately. I understand that failure to notify CTIAR may result in the exclusion of the paper from the proceedings.”
Policy on the Use of AI Systems in CTIAR-Related Publications

Regarding the use of AI tools in producing CTIAR publications, papers that include text generated by large-scale language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT are prohibited, unless the generated content is part of the paper’s experimental analysis. However, this policy does allow authors to use LLMs for editing or improving text they have written themselves.


CTIAR-25 adheres to the CTIAR policy that AI systems, including tools such as ChatGPT, Bard, or DALL-E, do not meet the requirements for authorship of published papers and therefore cannot be listed as authors or cited as sources. Authors hold full responsibility for the content of their papers, ensuring the work is free from plagiarism and that all statements are accurate.


Any allegations of plagiarism, whether resulting from the use of LLMs or otherwise, will be thoroughly investigated by CTIAR. Should any instance of plagiarism be confirmed, severe consequences may follow, including the rejection or retraction of the paper, notification of the authors’ institutions or employers, and restricted access to future CTIAR events